My journey to becoming a Precision Fuel & Hydration Advanced Sweat Test Centre begins with a harrowing tale of my own failures in several long course triathlons.

During the later stages of the run my body simply shuts down – cramping, fatigue, malaise, and a general sense of lost mental concentration. Obviously, it’s expected that you’re going to be tired after exercising for 10+ hours, but this was different – a feeling that I was missing something.

As a coach I’m always researching and learning about new and different products / technologies. That’s when I discovered Precision Fuel & Hydration.

YES, my clothes were a cakey white mess at the end of my race.

YES, I used to drink water like a fish thinking that would keep me hydrated.

And NO, I had no idea how much sodium my body actually needed to match what was being lost.

After learning my sweat sodium concentration (1,167mg per litre of sweat – above average), it was confirmed that I'm a 'salty sweater'. Ready to put the theory to the test, I developed my own personalised hydration strategy and I'm proud to say that I continually finish stronger in all my races than ever before.

Not one to keep this secret to myself, I approached Precision Fuel & Hydration to purchase a Sweat Testing machine and set up a Sweat Test Centre in Toronto and GTA. Branded quite simply as TEST YOUR SWEAT, I have already helped dozens of athletes (triathletes, cyclists, ultra-runners, tennis pros) who were previously just like me – drinking blindly.

I’m happy to arrange one-on-one tests or consultations, or discuss meeting with other clubs and teams about onsite seminars and group testing.

I feel privileged to have met Precision Fuel & Hydration when I did and even more lucky to share their knowledge to help others sweat with confidence.

Jason Hervey

Certified Triathlon Coach @ TRI-TRAIN

Email Jason at or call him on 416 831-8704