There were some epic IRONMAN® results for athletes with Precision Fuel & Hydration electrolytes in their bottles during July of 2017. It turned out to be quite the day. Sarah Lewis came 4th at IRONMAN® 70.3® Jönköping (Sweden) and Team Freespeed's Ruth Astle wasn't far behind in 6th (1st in the 25-29 AG). 

Meanwhile, over in Germany, Dimity-Lee Duke and Freespeeder Ali Rowatt clocked in at 7th and 8th Overall at IRONMAN® Frankfurt. Again, Ali took age-group gold.

How are they doing this time and time again you ask? Well, I thought I'd ask them a few quick-fire questions so you can compare how different elite athletes do things to give you a few things to test in your quest to be the best you can be...

Ladies, congrats again on yet more epic results. So, what did you eat/drink pre race?

Ruth: I had my standard breakfast of oats, banana, honey soaked overnight in milk, with a bottle of PH 1500 and a strong black Americano.

Ali: Dinner the night before was really simple - salmon, potatoes and veg, nothing fancy. I drank 1l (32oz) of water with a PH 1500 sachet in it before bed (and a glass of wine with dinner!). In the morning before the race I just had some bread and honey, a coffee and another 1l bottle with PH 1500 in it.

Dimity-Lee: On the morning of the race I'm quite unconventional, but it works for me: A snickers bar, coffee, banana and my PH 1500for sodium preloading.

You're all on PH 1500, great to hear! Ok, so what wetsuit were you rockin'?

Ruth: The awesome Orca Alpha.

Ali: I'm also Orca, but the Predator.

Dimity-Lee: I'll buck the trend here, I wear an Xterra.

What were you riding?

Ruth: The Giant Liv Avow with the Giant 50mm tubeless front wheel, and a Walker Brothers Disc Wheel.

Ali: I'm on a Trek Speed Concept.

Dimity-Lee: The Canyon Speedmax, Dura Ace Di2, 404/808 Zipp combination

How did you stay fueled/hydrated on your way to the Top 10 finish?


3 x Clif gels

1 x Clif Shot Bloks

2 x PH 1500 bottles.

2 x SweatSalt capsules

(I'm constant drinking on the bike, I had my 2 bottles with PH 1500 to start with, then topped up with water from aid stations and used the SweatSalts)

Coke and some plain water (with my SweatSalts) on the run.


1 x PH 1000 in 500ml immediately after swim, running to the bike.

As much of a Clif bar as I can manage once I'm on the bike.

3 x 750ml bottles of water with PH 1000 on the bike, then topping up with water at each aid station (as I'm not a very salty sweater, so I can get away with that if I set myself up well before the swim and on the bike).

3 x packets of Clif Shot Bloks on the bike

During the run it was water, a bit of Coke and Clif gels.


I eat solid food on the bike mostly - a combination of nutrition power, gums/isotonic drink (for energy!), a Snickers bar and a banana. I had an Sweat Test, so i know I lose around 640mg sodium per litre of sweat but have a high sweat rate, so I tailor my hydration strategy accordingly.

Run leg is a combination of gels and Cola/RedBull.

What was your celebratory meal/tipple?

Ruth: A glass of Sauvignon Blanc with some fish and chips!

Ali: Red wine!

Dimity-Lee: Ice cream and fruit always goes down well after a race.

So, we've established Team Freespeed like a drink! Good to know. How do you optimise your recovery? (After the race, not the booze...)

Ruth: Probably not well enough to be honest! I have a bit of a stretch and plan in a recovery spin in the evening the day after the race.

Ali: A bottle of water with PH 1500 in the morning after, followed by lots of water during the day and lots of food! 

Dimity-Lee: Active recovery is the key for me. This includes easy swimming/biking and walking in the days after the race. Also I make sure I eat healthy food after the race.

Brilliant, I'm sure the rest of Team Precision Fuel & Hydration will find this really useful, thanks ladies. Onwards to Kona and the 70.3 World Champs...