
Simen Holvik


24 Ore Di Torino

9th March, 2024
1st, M45-49
Running, Ultra - 246.4km
, Cold
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Simen's headline numbers

Carb per hour
Recommended 75g/h
Fluid per hour
Recommended 250-750ml/h
Sodium per litre
Recommended 1100-1500mg/L
Caffeine per kg
Recommended 3-6mg/kg

Simen's strategy


Carbohydrate is the main fuel you burn when racing. Failing to fuel properly is a leading cause of underperformance in longer races.

T - 1-4hrs: Ate a carb rich meal (Low in fat & fibre)
T - 15mins: Took in a final dose of carb
Carb per hour
Recommended 75g/h
Simen's Energy Rating
"My energy levels felt great throughout even though over the first four hours I ate a little less than I initially planned and had a few GI issues which I think was due to my carb-loading protocol."
Our thoughts

Simen consumed just over 1700g of carbohydrates across the 24-hour race from a mixture of solid PF 30 Chews, semi-solid PF 30 Gels and PF 30 Caffeine Gels and liquid PF Carb & Electrolyte Drink carb forms. This was just a few grams below his original target of ~75g/h, but even whilst battling nineteen hours of relentless rain, he still perceived his energy levels to be consistently high.


Taking on board an appropriate amount of fluid and sodium is essential to maintaining blood volume and supporting the cardiovascular effort needed to perform on race day.

Whilst the absolute amount of sodium and fluid consumed per hour is important, it’s critical to consider these in relation to each other. This is known as 'relative sodium concentration' and it’s expressed in milligrams per litre (mg/L). How much sodium you’re taking in per litre of fluid is more important than the absolute amount taken in per hour.

Simen has been Sweat Tested to dial in his hydration plan

Sweat sodium concentration (mg/L) is largely genetically determined and remains relatively stable. Knowing how salty your sweat is enables you to replace a good proportion of your sweat losses, which can range from 200-2,000mg/L.

Given Simen’s losses are High (1,310mg/L), nailing his hydration strategy remains important, even when it’s Cold.

Learn more
Pre-loaded electrolytes
T - 60mins: Drank ~500ml of strong electrolyte drink
Fluid per hour
Recommended 250-750ml/h
Sodium per litre
Recommended 1100-1500mg/L
Simen's Hydration Rating
"I had to pee a lot early on in the race but I think this was linked to drinking a little too much pre-race, and having two very strong coffees. The conditions were cold, and I probably needed less during the first few hours of the race when I was sweating less. However, other than this, the plan went well and I was able to drink when suggested by my support crew."
Our thoughts

Simen knows he loses a large amount of sodium in his sweat, and appropriately prioritises this in his hydration strategy. Since members of the PF&H Sports Science team were able to be part of his crew this race, the team utilised real-time urine osmolarity readings alongside his previous Sweat Test results to dial his fluid intake up and down effectively. His pre- and post-race body mass measurements suggest this approach accomplished adequate fluid replacement for him to avoid any performance-limiting effects of dehydration.


Beyond the Three Levers of Performance (carb, sodium and fluid), caffeine is one of only a few substances that is proven to improve performance for most endurance athletes as it can help stave off mental and physical fatigue.

T - 0-4hrs: Had a final hit of caffeine
Caffeine per kg
Recommended 3-6mg/kg
Our thoughts

Simen nailed the timing of his caffeine by saving the stimulant until he knew he’d need it most, which was when the sun began to set and he had to fight his natural circadian rhythm. From there, he spread out his PF 30 Caffeine Gels evenly until the end of the race and reaped the benefits of the ergogenic aid, including heightened focus and reduced perception of effort.

How Simen hit his numbers

Here's everything that Simen ate and drank on the day...

Simen's weapons of choice

Final thoughts

Simen's Satisfaction Rating
Given the torrential wind and rain, I think I had a good run. It wasn't the national record that I was hoping for, but it has given me the qualification standard for the World Championships in 2025 in France.
Simen executed his fueling strategy extremely well across 24 consecutive hours. Going forward, his preparation for the race could be improved by focusing more on his carb-loading protocol. It was a pleasure for Raff and Ricky from our PF&H team to crew such a dedicated athlete who persisted even when the weather tried to convince him to stop, a stark contrast to his previous race where temperatures were peaking at 28℃ / 82 F. Kudos, Simen!

Simen's full stats

1713g total carb
71g per hour
8,728ml total fluid
364ml per hour
12,530mg total sodium
522mg per hour
Sodium per litre
500mg total caffeine
6.5mg per kg

Data Confidence

We rate each of our case studies from 1-5 based on the level of accuracy, and our confidence in the data.

There is a high level of confidence in the accuracy in the data. The numbers presented are believed to be a very close reflection of reality. There may still be one or two estimations made in the data (an inescapable part of field data) but there is reason to believe that these are accurate and that possible error has been kept to a minimum. It is data that has been collected and recalled as accurately as is possible given the uncontrolled settings/circumstances.

Simen's recent case studies

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