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Gro Hege Jermstad's scorecard

IM 70.3® Nice

Sunday 26th June, 2022

Within recommended ranges

Just outside recommended ranges

Significantly outside recommended ranges

  • 72g

    Carb per hour
  • 650mg

    Sodium per hour
  • 456ml

    Fluid per hour
  • 1,424mg/L

    Relative sodium concentration
  • 196mg

    Total caffeine
  • How Gro hit those numbers

    500ml x PF Carb & Electrolyte Drink Mix
    1 x Bowl of porridge with banana and maple syrup
    1 x Large mug of black coffee
    1 x Banana
    1 x PF 30 Gel
    *** Tip: For sea swims, put a bottle of water at T1 to rinse your mouth out
    1.5L x PH 1500 (Drink Mix)
    1.5L x PF Carb & Electrolyte Drink Mix
    3 x PF 30 Gel
    180ml x Plain water
    1 x PF 90 Gel
    1 x PF 30 Caffeine Gel
    540ml x Plain water
    240ml x Cola
    240ml x Red Bull

    How Gro's hydration and fueling went...

      • Gro is a member of the esteemed 2022 Zwift Triathlon Academy who is working with PF&H as she builds towards the IM World Champs in Kona this coming October
      • In her past long-course triathlons, Gro has struggled tremendously with stomach issues late in the race, ultimately leading to sickness and walking the run course
      • Gro has worked hard with PF&H to dial her nutrition and hydration strategy, and this was her first 70.3 where she had no GI distress, and ultimately led to her having “the best experience on a race course I’ve ever had!”
      • Aiming to get her pacing and fueling dialled for the upcoming World Champs, Gro executed both excellently to finish on the podium


      • Gro preloaded the night before the race with 1L/32oz of water with a PH 1500 (tablet) in. This will have diluted the relative sodium concentration to 750mg/L, which is less than we recommend for preloading. In future Gro should aim to drink ~500ml/16oz with one PH 1500 (Tablet) to maximise her fluid retention and blood plasma volume
      • To average ~456ml/15oz per hour across the whole race is a solid effort from Gro, who did this by drinking ~492ml/h (16oz/h) on the bike and ~588ml/h (20oz/h) on the run. The temperatures began to soar during the half marathon to ~28℃/82℉, and so Gro’s increased fluid intake was a rational decision which will have replaced a good amount of her fluid lost through sweat
      • In terms of sodium replacement, Gro added one PH 1500 (Drink Mix) to each of her bottles on the bike which contained one serving of PF 30 Drink Mix to consume a total of ~3,844mg of sodium, which equates to ~650mg/h. When combined with her total fluid intake of ~2.7L/91oz, this gave Gro a relative sodium concentration of ~1,424mg/L
      • Given Gro’s sweat sodium concentration of 1,146mg/L, as measured by our Sweat Test, her sodium intake during the race will have adequately replaced her sodium and fluid lost through sweating
      • Gro rated her hydration strategy 9/10, feeling that one slight change was that she could have taken some more liquid carbs towards the end of the bike, as she was a little hungry when starting the run


    Quick Carb Calculator Recommendation


    carb 30 mins before


    carb per hour during
      • Gro began her race morning by taking on a carb-rich meal consisting of rice porridge with banana and maple syrup, which she has had before almost every triathlon she’s ever done
      • In addition to breakfast, Gro also had a banana just over an hour before the gun went off, followed by a PF 30 Gel ~20 minutes beforehand, ultimately meaning she began the race with plenty of energy
      • Throughout the bike, Gro fueled her performance using a mixture of PF 30 Energy Drink Mix and PF 30 Gels, with some additional carbs coming from PH 1500 (Drink Mix) too
      • At the beginning of the run, Gro took a PF 30 Caffeine Gel to help reduce her perceived effort, and increase her alertness. She also picked up a PF 90 Gel with a bite valve out of T2 which meant Gro could sip on it throughout the run
      • Gro also picked up a few cups of Red Bull and Coca Cola on the second lap of the run to top up her carb and caffeine intake
      • All in all, Gro took on ~72g/h across the full 5 hours 55 minutes which split into ~66g/h on the bike and ~99g/h on the run. Usually we see this split the other way, with a higher carb intake on the bike, but Gro started to “feel a little full” towards the end of the bike, and coupled with her previous history of GI issues, she decided to back off her intake accordingly
      • Gro very nearly met the 75g/hr recommendations from our Fueling Planner, and rated her energy levels 10/10 saying “I felt really strong throughout the whole race and was so full of energy the whole time”


      • This was a breakthrough race for Gro’s fueling and hydration strategy, as it was the first race where she hasn’t been sick or experienced any GI distress
      • Rating her race satisfaction 9/10, Gro was extremely happy to have felt strong all day and not experience any dips in energy levels
      • Gro felt she could have pushed harder on the swim, feeling that she finished with “plenty more in the tank”
      • In summary, Gro said “the main takeaway from Nice was that my fueling and hydration was spot on and I felt amazing all day - the best race experience I’ve ever had!”

    Key info

    Gro Hege Jermstad

    Sweat sodium concentration
    Sweat sodium classification
    * determined by a PH Advanced Sweat Test


    Overall Time
    Swim Time
    Bike Time
    Run Time

    Event information

    Middle distance
    IM 70.3® Nice
    Nice, France
    26th June, 2022
    Swim Distance
    1.9km / 1.2mi
    Bike Distance
    90.1km / 56.0mi
    Run Distance
    21.1km / 13.1mi
    Total Distance
    113.1km / 70.3mi

    Race conditions

    Weather Conditions
    No Rain
    Min Temp
    25°C / 77°F
    Max Temp
    28°C / 82°F
    Avg Temp
    27°C / 81°F

    Athlete feedback

    Race Satisfaction
    Hydration rating
    To make this a 10 I perhaps would have drank a bit more as it was very hot
    Energy levels
    Felt really strong all day, I felt like I had so much energy
    Toilet stops
    GI comfort
    At one point on the bike I felt a bit full but backed off the fuelling briefly and this passed
    No cramping

    Gro's Thoughts

     The best race I've ever had, I was genuinely smiling the whole way!

    Gro's full stats

     Carbohydrate (g)Sodium (mg)Fluid (ml)Caffeine (mg)Relative sodium concentration (mg/L)
    Total intake4273,8442,7001961,424
    Per hour7265045633
    Bike and Run
    Total intake3973,8442,7001961,424
    Per hour7774652438
    Total intake2253,7501,68002,232
    Per hour661,0984920
    Total intake172941,02019692
    Per hour9954588113

    Data Confidence







    There is good confidence in the accuracy of the data reported. An athlete feels that the numbers closely reflect what they consumed despite a couple of estimations which may carry some degree of error. The majority of what was consumed is recorded to a high level of specificity (most volumes are known through the use of bottles brands quantities flavours). The numbers are very plausible and align with previous data recordings (if an athlete has collected data previously).

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